Monterey Garden Insect Spray (Spinosad) – 1 Pint
A mixture of Spinosad A & D, 0.5% . Contains 0.04 lbs of active ingredients per gallon. Derived from a fermentation process. For use in vegetable gardens, fruit trees, lawns, and ornamentals. Controls: Colorado potato beetles, corn borers, ants, fire ants, beetles, caterpillars, worms, fleas, leafminers, spider mites, thrips, codling moth, Japanese beetles and other insects.
A mixture of Spinosad A & D, 0.5% . Contains 0.04 lbs of active ingredients per gallon. Derived from a fermentation process. For use in vegetable gardens, fruit trees, lawns, and ornamentals. Controls: Colorado potato beetles, corn borers, ants, fire ants, beetles, caterpillars, worms, fleas, leafminers, spider mites, thrips, codling moth, Japanese beetles and other insects.
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